Saturday, January 8, 2022

Qemu -hostfwd at last!

 I'm still trying to figure this one out, to be honest

Sparc SS-20 seems to be much improved over the last couple of years; I'm able to boot and install Solaris 7 without much trouble as long as I stick to one cpu and 512megs of ram.

The big big thing is that I've figured out the current (as of 2022) network syntax. 


Now instead of mucking with netdev and vlans I'm able to simply use the "-nic" parameter and put hostfwd directives there.

So here's the complete command for sparc:

qemu-system-sparc -M SS-20 -m 512 -hda (drive) -cdrom  (iso) -boot c -cpu "TI SuperSparc 60" -nic user,hostfwd=tcp::8023-:23

8023 could presumably be anything? to a degree -it didn't work when I tried "80023", though. 

I changed it to "tcp::23-:23" and that worked, but it seems like a bad idea -still, it can be done!

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 #!/bin/sh for x in obj xsrc src pkgsrc pkgsrc/distfiles pkgsrc/packages pkg         do zfs create ext/$x zfs set mountpoint=/usr/$x ext/$x ...