Saturday, March 28, 2020

Openindiana Static IP

Thanks to a post on the OI mailing list, I finally figured out how to set a static IP.

Actually, setting the static IP hasn't been the problem; that's easy enough to do using network manager. The tricky part has been dns.

The mailing list referred to this guide on the openindiana website. Using those instructions -modified for virtualbox (substituting bge0 with e1000g0), I was able to set my IP to and my router to

ifconfig showed the correct information, and my route seemed to be set; but I couldn't ping anything.

I went back to re-read and found this gem:

IF you cannot ping an external IP (e.g. run this command and try again.
# cp /etc/nsswitch.dns /etc/nsswitch.conf

After that, the net worked just like it was supposed to. In fact, I half suspect I could have skipped all the dinking around and simply set /etc/resolv.conf and nsswitch.conf. I'll have to try that another day!

Other, unrelated notes:
I tried setting up sunstudio 12.3, but it didn't like my installed java version; so it won't run.

I temporarily borked my mate by adding the following to .profile:
which should have been:
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/solarisstudio12.3/bin

The result being that lightdm would get confused and send me back to the login prompt after successfully logging in.

automating zfs mounts -a quick and very dirty script

 #!/bin/sh for x in obj xsrc src pkgsrc pkgsrc/distfiles pkgsrc/packages pkg         do zfs create ext/$x zfs set mountpoint=/usr/$x ext/$x ...